Criticism Is Dead
What we’re watching and what it all means (if it means anything at all)
4 years ago

The best movies and TV shows of 2020 (in our opinion)

Goodbye 2020 and all that!

It's our year-end special! We each present our top 5 picks for film and TV, respectively, plus some honorable mentions, making for a grand total of... 10 movies and 16 shows recommended??

02:27 Movies! Including T_, F_ C__, and more.

20:12 TV! Including N_ P, T_ Q' G__, and more.

For the full list written out, check out our Substack — we'll be publishing the newsletter (with extended show notes, other links, etc.) for this episode at 9am ET today.


Follow us on Twitter and Instagram. Inquiries, complaints, and recs for what to watch can go to [email protected].


Artwork and design: Sara Macias and Andrew Liu

Special thanks: Dan Geneen

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